SMITH, John (2)



No 23 John Street North

New Road

[undated, probably 6 October 1819]

My Lord

It is with the utmost respect I take the liberty in the name of, and for our society to address these lines to you to state that our society which consist of 18 respectable cullivators and Mecanics have Received according to your orders a Refusal of their proposals, when in the mean time another society without men have got the grant, and were obliged to advertise for men this day as your Lordship will see by the copy taking out of the Morning advertiser.


“Cape of good hope, a few respectable persons possessed of a small capital desirous of settling at the Cape, may meet with an opportunity by applying to A. B. joiners arms westminster road this day between the hours of 10 and 4.  Wanted as well a few strong healthy Labourers apply as above.

October 6, 1819


In addition to this, my lord I am requested to state to your Lordship that several of our society went to enter in the above society but were surprised at a demand being made of 5£ from each individual as gratitude Money, for the Expence which they had had to get the grant.

Having explained our motives for troubling you, I take the liberty of laying my unhappy Solicitation down before you my lord. I have served in his Majesty's navy upwards of 10 years for which I receive a pension of eleven pounds a year, which is all I have to maintain a wife and three small children no Employment to be got whatever, therefore I see no hopes before me but starvation except your Lordship would condescend to grant us your protection to go to the Cape.

I have the honour to subscribe myself in the name and in behalf of our society

Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant



Recommended by Mr Clayton FREELING private Secretary to the Chancelor of the Exchequer


Our agent name

Mr Edward MARTIN

No 51 Long Lane





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